

Fot. Kajetan Deja

Dr. Beata Szymczycha

Principal Investigator

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Works in the Department of Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences, in the Marine Biogeochemistry Laboratory. She has extensive experience in the field of oceanography and biogeochemistry. Her research interest focuses mainly on water/sediment interactions, submarine groundwater discharge and return flux from sediments, geochemistry of groundwater seepage, denitrification. Dr Szymczycha will be responsible for the project management, coordination of work, project synthesis and dissemination (WP1) and also supervised the work of other WPs. She will organize the project meeting and research cruises and coordinate sampling collecting and analyzes. She will coordinate data interpretation and the manuscript preparation. She will also supervise the work of a PhD student supported by this project.

Dr. Lech Kotwicki

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Oceanographer and Senior Researcher in Marine Ecology Department, IOPAN. The main research focus is meiofauna, sandy coasts, permeable sediments ecology, and involvement of schools and laymen in the nature observations on the shore. “My main interest goes to meiofauna, a group of motile microscopic organisms, which inhabit all aquatic sediments at all depths and climatic zone. Although meiobenthos is a highly important component of life in seafloor habitats, it is often neglected in ecological studies. My professional interests revolve around meiofauna ecology and taxonomy with particular emphasis on natural and anthropogenic-disturbed habitats. My research is conducted mainly in the Arctic (Svalbard archipelago) as well as in the Baltic Sea.” Dr. Kotwicki will be mainly involved in WPs 1 and 4. He will take part in research cruises, collecting meio- and macro- fauna samples. He will be involved in data interpretation and focus SGD influence on meio- and macro- fauna communities. He will take part in project meetings, present data on international conferences and write publications.

Dr. Eng. Magdalena Diak

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Works in the Department of Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry IOPAN, in the Marine Biogeochemistry Laboratory. She has extensive experience in the fields of environmental protection and analytical chemistry. She will be involved mainly in WPs 3 (Pore fluid and water column geochemistry). She will take a part in quantification the material flux to ocean by analyzing Ra and Rn isotopes as tracers.

Dr. Przemysław Makuch

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Works in the Air Sea Interaction Laboratory IOPAN. His research interest focuses mainly on meteorology, atmospheric aerosols in the Arctic and the Baltic Sea region, CO2 system in the Arctic and Baltic Sea, ocean acidification.

Dr. Katarzyna Grzelak

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

 Marine biologist from the Department of Marine Ecology, IOPAN. Interested in the study of marine meiofauna communities- groups of small invertebrates living on the surface of deposits or in interstitial spaces, with bodies smaller than 500 µm. She has a wide interest in meiobenthic biodiversity and the functioning of arctic ecosystems, Her research expertise center on free-living marine Nematodes and Kinorhyncha.

fot. Michał Łepecki/Archiwum NCN

MSc Seyed Reza Saghravani

Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences

Is a Ph.D. student affiliated with Institute of Oceanology Poland Academy of Science and the International Environmental Doctoral School at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IEDS). The main goal of the doctoral dissertation will be to estimate the groundwater inflow in the Arctic region and to determine its range and biogeochemical impact.

Arctic SGD

Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Changing Arctic Region:
Scale and Biogeochemical impact

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