Study area (Arex’21)

Study area (Arex’21)

Study area (Arex’21)

The study areas were located in the Kongsfjord – Krossfjord, Isfjorden and Norwegian Fjords. Our research contribute to fulfill existing gaps in the knowledge in the Arctic hydrology. We have tremendous problem due lack of enough information about the at least basic water cycle mechanism, budget and discharge. Moreover, the ongoing climatic changes are visible to the naked eye and have significant impact on these processes. We can compare photos observed during Arex’21 cruise and photo of  Kongsfjord  taken by S. Gerland from publication Svendsen et al. 2002 (Svendsen, Harald, et al. “The physical environment of Kongsfjorden–Krossfjorden, an Arctic fjord system in Svalbard.” Polar research 21.1 (2002): 133-166.). We would like to kindly invite you to watch videos and photos taken and prepared by PhD student Reza Saghravani

Measurements of samples collected during Arex’21 cruise

Measurements of samples collected during Arex’21 cruise

Measurements of samples collected during Arex’21 cruise

Measurements of DIC and Total Alkalinity samples, which were collected during AREX’21 in Spitsbergen (Svalbard) are carried out. DIC samples are analyzed using DIC analyzer (ApolloSciTech ™) and Trace Gas Analyzer (LI-COR ™) and Total alkalinity using Dosimat plus (Metrohm ™). Fot. Reza Saghravani

Pore water sampling

Pore water sampling

Pore water sampling

During our AREX’21 cruise in Arctic we collected also pore water for different parameters DIC, DOC, total alkalinity, metals, nutrients and chloride. Samples were also collected on the land expeditions by push-point lance. Obtained results for pore water profiles can deliver information about fluid transport in sediments. Fot. Reza Saghravani

Freshwater sampling

Freshwater sampling

Freshwater sampling

Furthermore, we collected additional samples directly from ponds and springs. Based on the literature data, it has been revealed that springs and pingos can serve as  discharge points for subpermafrost groundwater in the Arctic. Literature data showed that pingo springs enable methane that has accumulated underneath the permafrost to escape directly to the atmosphere, our limited understanding of the groundwater system brings significant uncertainty to the understanding of how methane emissions will respond to changing (Hornum_2021 Fot. Reza Saghravani